Re: Prince Harry and Meghan $1,200 sightseeing tour led by Thomas Markle’s friend is axed after outrage

Whether it isn’t against the law or not, IMO, people need to leave Prince Harry and Meghan Markle alone. PopCorned Planet joked about having a tour in public while holding “We want privacy” signs similar to the South Park Worldwide Privacy Tour episode. Karl Larsen was the latest person trying to push a royal tour of places Prince Harry and …

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Re: Thomas Markle, Jr respond to Photographer Karl Larsen creates Royal Tour

Thomas Markle Jr wants the world to know that neither he nor his father, Thomas Markle, Sr. have given Karl Larsen the ok to create a Royal Tour. Karl Larsen wanted to create a royal tour so that fans of Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and her husband, Prince Harry, could visit places where the royals have been or frequent. …

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Re: Fresh and Fit gets demonetized on YouTube

Let’s get this straight: As an American born and raised, I strongly believe in the Freedom of Speech. However, many people fail to realize that with that freedom, there comes consequences and/or rewards. Many people may not like what you have to say but won’t stop you from saying it. YouTube is a platform owned and operated by Google. We, …

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Photographer Karl Larsen creates Royal Tour of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle routes

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has made it absolutely clear that they wanted privacy and left the United Kingdom for Canada. When the US was moving towards a lockdown, the Sussexes took a Freedom Flight onboard the Hollywood A-lister Tyler Perry’s private jet to California where they were allowed to stay at Tyler Perry’s home until they were able to …

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Popcorned Planet’s “joked” about fundraising a real life WorldWide Privacy Tour

Whether you are for, against, or indifference to Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex and her husband, Prince Harry, one thing is certain: They should be left alone to live out their lives in peace. However, Popcorned Planet, a YouTube channel that is ran by  Andy Signore made a joke about renting a bus and going on a PUBLIC Worldwide Privacy …

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