Meghan Markle is TERRIBLE: Is she being set up to take a fall?

The Hollywood Reporter recently published an article titled “Why Hollywood Keeps Quitting on Harry and Meghan” which goes into details about how Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex and wife of Prince Harry has a reputation of being a bully.

“The Sussex Survivor Club”



The public was told how Meghan bullied the employees of the royal household in the United Kingdom. We were told how the employees were still having health issues long after departing from being in employment under Meghan and Prince Harry.

As the result of being bullied, many formed a “Sussex Survivor Club” which was made up of those who were harmed by the bullying they received from both Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Read more:

The British Royals wishes Prince Harry a Happy 40th Birthday

Fast forward to 2024 and according to The Hollywood Report, Meghan is a terrible person. She terrifies people and has made grown men cry. On the other hand, we are told that Prince Harry is charming, an enabler of Meghan, and he doesn’t put on airs.

Additionally, we are told that Meghan had signed up with Sunshine Sachs when she was acting in Suits. Prince Harry joined Sunshine Sachs after his engagement to Meghan (which is shocking to me because I assumed Sunshine Sachs came into the picture after the Sussexes were married and wanted to move away from the Palace PR but I guess not).  Allegedly, Sunshine Sachs dropped the Sussexes after non-payment but reps at Sunshine Sachs said that wasn’t the case at all.

How did we get here?

It bothers me that we are now hearing more and more about how terrible Meghan is. She’s the one who “marches around like a dictator in high heels, fuming and barking orders” while Prince Harry enables her. I find it really hard to believe that Meghan is a terrible person while Prince Harry is just someone there egging her on. Prince Harry was the one who told the world that he hit his security officer. There are stories about Harry being violent towards others. Take the story that Taylor Hawkins once told.



He was tired from traveling, when he told Prince Harry that he was tired, Prince Harry slapped him. When Taylor wanted to retaliate for being hit, Harry hid behind his security officer and had the nerve to ask Taylor if he was awake now.

Today, we are being told that this man-child is charming but an enabler while Meghan Markle is terrible?

Is Meghan Markle being set up to take a fall

Unlike most people who have picked a side: Royal family vs the Sussexes, I didn’t bother to be angry. Disgusted at all that went on? Sure. I don’t believe Meghan and Prince Harry should have trashed the royals the way that they did.

In the end, I believe Prince Harry always have a way back to his family whereas Meghan will be the one who is blamed for everything from bullying to being abusive. Do I believe she bullied people? Maybe she did, maybe she didn’t. What I don’t believe is that Prince Harry was only an enabler. Prince Harry was charming and didn’t put on airs while living in the US.

In my opinion, I think Meghan is being set up. The Hollywood Reporter is now painting her as “Meghan is a terrible woman.” If Prince Harry was determined to defend and protect Meghan, now is the time to tell the world to stop saying his wife is terrible. Now is the time to tell the world how loving, sweet, and caring his wife is and that she does not deserve to be called terrible. The silence from Prince Harry while his wife is taking such a major hit is deafening. I question whether he is willing to throw his wife under a bus to go crawling back to the family he claimed to hate.

I have my opinions. Maybe I’ll write about them later. Maybe I’ll do a YouTube channel. Maybe I’ll keep them to myself. But right now, from where I’m sitting, this does not look good for Prince Harry or Meghan.


Want more on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry? Here are some reading suggestions (links below are amazon affiliated links. I do earn some money when readers click on and purchase using my links. Thanks):