Chrissy Teigen's sandwich she made using Meghan Markle's jam. Screenshot from: Chrissy Teigen/Instagram

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry: Parents Network vs Sussex Squad vs Chrissy Teigen

I’m totally confused as to what Meghan Markle and Prince Harry is trying to accomplish with Parents Network. Allegedly, they want to protect children from online bullying. If they really did, why haven’t they called out the people who have bullied Meghan’s family as well as Harry’s family under the guise of being part of the Sussex Squad. And why did Meghan’s American Riviera Orchard jam graced the lips of Chrissy Teigen who was known to tell a teenage girl to take a “dirt nap”?

Alleged bullies within the Sussex Squad

While I cannot say for certain if those who call themselves a member of the Sussex Squad are actually members or simply just trolls but there have been people who have bullied others for their opinions of Meghan and Prince Harry. Others have made some rather rude and dangerous remarks about Meghan’s family as well as Prince Harry’s family. Some of the comments went as far as to hope certain members of Meghan and Prince Harry’s families would “unalive” themselves (sorry for the self censorship but gotta pay the bills and some advertisers just don’t like certain words).

However, despite acknowledging the Sussex Squad on several occasions, never once did Meghan or Prince Harry came forward to address the bullying within the Sussex Squad (or the bullying done in their names). One alleged bully even gotten an alleged phone call from Prince Harry.

Note: I do not believe Prince Harry or Meghan Markle pays any of the Sussex Squad members. Unless proof has surfaced that payment were made, I rather not believe such payments are happening.

If they are to follow through with helping kids stay safe online, maybe start with the adults who are known to bully children which brings me to the next person: Chrissy Teigen.

The Chrissy Teigen Problem

Meghan Markle has launched a new brand called American Riviera Orchard (ARO) which has yet to list any products for sale. However, several people have received jam from Meghan’s ARO brand including Chrissy Teigen. Chrissy made a nice, delicious looking sandwich with the jam.

However, Chrissy has her own controversy with bullying online. In fact, she bullied a teenager who found herself married to much much older man. Regardless of the teens circumstances, Chrissy, a grown adult, say it necessary to bully a teenager online.

This is the very thing that Meghan and Prince Harry are claiming they want to fight. I like to give people the benefit of a doubt. Maybe someone on Meghan’s team sent out promotional jam to a lot of people (allegedly, according to the numbering on the jars, there should have been 50 people in total posting about the ARO jam). Maybe someone didn’t look too deeply into Chrissy’s past and just sent her a jam not knowing whether she would post about it on social media or not.

I do wish Prince Harry and Meghan Markle much success

As someone who have suffered abuse by the hands of adults when I was a child (even being raised in foster care), I have to say, from my point of view, it doesn’t look good for Meghan or Prince Harry to be associated with someone like Chrissy who has said some rude comments about child actors from Toddlers & Tiaras to telling a teen and told another child to take a “dirt nap” (aka “unalive herself”).

The Sussexes either need new people on their team who can properly get this anti-bullying Parents Network properly off the ground or they need to sit down with their current team and be more direct in where they want their brand to be headed.

No matter how delicious the jam sandwich looked, I wouldn’t associate with Chrissy Teigen if I was trying to support anti-bullying but that is just me. I do wish Prince Harry and Meghan Markle much success and hope the parents who have lost their children will help others.