Deadspin: Blackface accusation, NFL Chiefs, Children, and outrage

I grew up in a semi-conservative household. Religion was the center of my childhood. At the same time, my foster mom would advise me on feminist issues. I was told how I should grow up to be a strong black woman who uses her voice and become a leader of my own life. Being a shy kid, I didn’t like using my voice all the time. In fact, I was mostly quiet unless I was around people I fully trusted. I still don’t like speaking much. I prefer to listen and observe the world around me but I’m sure if one was to ask my husband, he would say I talk too much, lol.

Anyways, for several years, I assumed my values aligned more with the left. I supported gay and lesbian rights, believe the environment was being destroyed, and other leftist ideology. However, the older I get, the more I realize that there are some things I don’t agree with on either side of the ideology aisle. And there is some things I agree with from both side. I guess, I’m more in the middle?

A recent incident really made me stop and wonder where society is heading.

Why so many people are outrage these days?


It takes a lot to disrespect two groups of people at once. But on Sunday afternoon in Las Vegas, a Kansas City Chiefs fan found a way to hate Black people and the Native Americans at the same time.

–Carron J Phillips for Deadspin


I’m not entirely sure if it was my upbringing, my schooling, or simply my personality but I don’t understand how people can be so outrage and accuse others without first asking questions and finding out the answers. I used to think it was the younger generations that was pushing this outrage culture onto society but after a brief internet search, I found out the journalist, Carron J. Phillips, is 40 years old!

That would mean maybe I’m not in sync with my own generation? I’m 38 years old right now. I don’t understand why so many are quick to feel outrage and accuse others of disrespecting, racism, etc. It’s weird to me. All it would have taken was a few minutes of internet searching, paying a little more attention to the situation, and asking questions.

I don’t see how people don’t realize that the constant need to be outrage, the constant need to pile on someone before finding out all the information, the constant need to be social justice warriors, it’s becoming annoying to the rest of society. Was it so hard for Carron to find out what was the child team’s colors? Are maybe he and those who were outrage with him think white people should never paint their faces black for no reason whatsoever even if the NFL team they support has black as one of their official colors?

It’s ok to be wrong. It’s ok to apologize. It’s not ok to double down when you are wrong.

After learning that he was incorrect about the child being in black face and insulting Native Americans, Carron J. Phillips simply made things worse with his tweet. All he had to do is say he was wrong, apologize, say that he would do better next time, and hopefully all would be forgiven but he didn’t.

Why did he feel the need to bring in Mexicans, sombreros, and Cinco when this issue had nothing to do with that country, the hats, or that day?

Furthermore, painting one’s face black and red is HARMLESS. By the time people like Carron is finished tearing our culture apart, our breaking down our actions, and grinding everything down to what we can and cannot do, we will all be wearing beige and living in a world devoid of any fun, any inspiration, and living life according to outrage/cancel culture.



I’m just shocked that this outrage culture is being led by people who are in their 30s, 40s, and older with some of the younger generations following. I’ve been living in Turkey all these years. Outrage culture and cancel culture is not really a thing here. Every time my family in the US ask me if I will return home, I’m uncertain. I’m not sure if I could live in an America where people no longer ask questions, no longer research answers, no longer care to listen to each other before acting offended. It would be a strange place to live.